On Monday October 5 2009, 16,000 people and I attended the annual WE DAY. We came together to hear motivational speeches and be inspired to change the world. These speeches encouraged youth to make a difference were spoken by people like Craig & Marc Keilburger, Michael "Pinball" Clemons, Spencer West, holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel, Robert Kennedy Jr. and many more. The theme included in every speech was how young people can be the change, and together we have the power to make a difference.
Not only speakers and social issues activists were at the event, but also entertainers sending messages to their fans. Musicians such as Hedley, Louise Kent, Justin Bieber, and a surprise performance by the Jonas brothers, performed on stage. The day for those who attended was a one of a kind experience that engaged the audience to want to help the world.
Every person that spoke sent a message and every person gave something memorable. I loved Jesse Cruickshanks speech about how she went to Kenya (leaving behind her designer clothes and heels!) and how warmly the people welcomed her. She mentioned how once a year the family she was staying with would slaughter goats. The family decided that they would have that day when she arrived. Jesse is a vegetarian and as a tradition had to drink the blood strait from the goat’s neck!
I also found Spencer West’s speech really inspiring. He said that we are at the bottom of the hill, and that the hill is poverty. We all need to work together to push ourselves up the hill and overcome poverty. Many more of the voices spoken were all also amazing, including, Craig and Marc Keilburger.
The Keilburger brothers mentioned a campaign they were doing called 10 bye ten. 10 by 10 is a new project by free the children. This idea is based on that with everyday actions we can make a difference locally and globally. If you make a commitment by doing 10 actions in 2010, Aviva will donate $10 to free the children. Think for a minute. If everyone who attended We Day (16,000) did this, we could raise $160,000! Wow! So share what actions you will complete on www.giveyour10.com and we’ll be on step closer to the top of the hill. I entirely agree that us youth, we are the future generation. But the future is now, and the world needs our help. ❀
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