I am going to tell you upfront, this is an extremely long post. I wouldn’t blame you if you think reading this is waste of time, because it is.
OHMYGOD. Can someone please tell me where the year has gone? Date check: Monday May 17th 2010. Besides the fact that our world is supposed to end in 2012, our last grade eight moments are crammed into officially ONE MONTH. That’s it. We have one month left to make our mark. Our mark as leaders, people, and our creatively expressed opinions. So, what exactly has our grade eight generation left behind as our legacy? Fact is, I have no idea. We might have only made the same mark an invisible marker leaves behind written on a crisp sheet of line-white paper. Then again, maybe we ourselves have brought out the inner freak in everyone…
I can’t really describe how I am feeling right now. Part of me is stunned that in what felt like just yesterday, I was a naïve ‘sevvie’ about to begin my year as a grade eight. A nervous, and overwhelmed child. How could those thought to be endless exhausting school days, be coming to a near finish line in such fleeting time? Then again, I recollect all the beyond unforgettable wild moments and memories that have been packed to the peak in the year’s experience.
I have grown to know my classmates incredibly well, maybe a little too well. I can assure you that none of us are afraid to pretend who we are alongside each other. Let’s just say we let our personalities run a tad wild within our classroom walls that in some cases, act like a livestock fence. At some points in the day we may even appear to be untamable, savage-like, or just plain deranged.
None of us think twice if we suddenly hear Cassie burst out in tune, singing lean on me in math class. We actually automatically hum along, while a few of us possibly join in on the ballad. We have gotten used to Wyatt’s abnormal alternate voice he uses to answer questions, and Andie’s creative back up game adventures. From Fabe’s odd voodoo dolls (?), to silly putty fingers (yes Lizzie), and even the undying love connection between Mitch and Cassie. Please note that I am absolutely joking Mitch :) .
Point is, is that if any other person were to walk into our classroom, they would undoubtingly think we were all as mad as a hatter. It’s plain, simple, and possibly the truth. But where would my year have gone if we were all the same identical boring, and uninteresting people? The answer is nowhere. This year was primarily based on the delightful people that make up our class.
I had no idea what surprises and opportunities lay out before me as I walked into that chaotic school hallway on the first day of grade eight. I had no conception of where I would end up, or whom I would be when I ended up there. I now, can see the end of the road before my eyes, and almost grasp an understanding of the questions I had once asked. Even when I venture off down the halls of high school on another first day, asking the same guileless questions, I will and always remember this past year. I have encountered many unique one-of-a-kind experiences that you could only acquaint in our class.
As my class has taught me: I think that we all have an inner freak. Even if we don’t plaster it all over ourselves like Lady Gaga, it will always remain a part of us. Like the streak of an invisible marker, although it may not be noticeable, it is still entirely there….. Unless of course, it’s washable.
“ You’re entirely bonkers. But I’ll tell you a secret. All the best people are.”– Alice in Wonderland.