Lately, I’ve been late. And that infact is a true fact. As I currently write this introduction, I am listening to Alejandro by Lady Gaga struggling to write a decent post about my unpunctuality. Not only that, but I am in the car traveling to school. I guess I should also mention that I will probably arrive later than expected for that too. You may ask why I am so unorganized, and unaware of my surroundings. Or maybe why I fail to meet deadlines, such as ones like this blog. I’m definite you’ll find that answer soon enough if you peer into my cave of a desk or try journeying through my lovely locker as well. Please note that an abundance of sarcasm was just applied.
So why exactly is it, that if you ever ask me for that signed permission slip I’ll ask for another? Well, my monstrous pile enclosed by the sturdy metal walls of the desk that help contain them, has clearly devoured it. Mounds of loose papers, a multitude of lead-less pencils, and implements you could only find in Olivia’s desk. By this, I mean things like Floam (yes, a 6 colour pack!), silly putty, elegant vintage Halloween princess earrings I picked up at value village, a dissembled wooden toy car that I have not yet had the time to assemble, a plastic coloured baby, a fake Santa beard from a grade three Christmas French play, and I’m sure many other surprises, that even I haven’t discovered yet.

Next stop, my beyond orderly locker. Usually, a locker is place to store non-necessary books, possibly your gym bag, as well as your lunch. My locker is classified under another definition. My lock is growing tired after endlessly attempting to contain my desperate needs of storage. One day, that lock will break due to the pressure of the contents of my locker. I constantly find myself cramming more and more bags into the already overflowing area of the storage. This only leaves a compact capacity of space for schoolwork. Once this happens, my organizational techniques suffer from failure. No room for books indicates the process of me wedging them in any available cracks in my desk.
Although I have only shared the many imperfections about this issue, I can list several beneficial bonuses about the cluttered state of both my mind and space. If you are ever in need for an extra sweater for chapel, don’t anticipate a trip to the lost and found. A brief visit to my locker is literally all it takes! I genuinely have a heap of 5 extra changes of navy. They range from cardi’s, to pullovers, to vests, take your pick. Likewise, if on any occasion, you observe yourself in a sorrowful shoe-less situation, I can also provide for you too. There are several assorted styles and colours to choose from to fit any genre of style. Not only uniform articles are found on the handy shelves of my locker. As you unearth the multiple layers, you may stumble upon a few extra sweaters here and there, a couple raincoats, a medieval queen costume, and lovely jewellery attire. You can also acquire many sources of entertainment, such as a ball that expands when you throw it, and an inspirational poem written by Cassandra, that always helps me get through the day.
These are secrets most of you probably haven’t uncovered of me. Quite personally, I may look evident on the verge of a hoarder. I will probably have to change my negligent care of my belongings before next year, because this structure of organizational skills reflects negatively on my personality. However, I do know that many of my classmates quite enjoy spending time making intricate sculptures out of my Floam, fabricating a family of coloured babies (Baby Force Five.), or stopping by to see the heavenly gifts my locker bears.
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