Surely, the Olympics are not solely consisted of gold medals and standing upon the towering step of the captivating podium. It's about discovering the truth about reaching new heights, and fulfilling hopes you never knew you could accomplish. The athletes are looked upon as role models, and leading examples for the dreams of many children. They have worked for this one moment, trained until there muscles have given out, and dedicated their time and passion to the thing they absolutely love to do. The spotlight is on them as they release their vigor broadcasted on many crowed around- televisions, and twinkle their eyes as they hear the final standing results.
A golden world of glory is indeed not the case for all. These on the edge events are also about improving yourself as an athlete, whether it's landing that problematic triple axel, swiftly traveling so rapid that you can feel the friction beneath the skies as you glide, or shooting for the stars only to find that the puck has landed in the net. It's moments like these that make the Olympics truly fascinating. You can glimpse the broad smiles of not only delighted gold-medal champions, but also the wave of fans cheering with optimism for their countries. It brings patriarch spirit to us all, and the chance to be confident and place enthusiasm within our nation.
That feeling can change as we see that figure skater tumble on her Lutz, detect that skier fell in midst of beating an ultimate self record, or even the unlucky chance that the goalie saved the slashing slap-shot. This can ruin not only the athletes self esteem, but also the flicker of faith to disappear within the wave, leaving tensed expressions, nail biting, and stiff souls.
And then it happens! All it took was one trifling second to accomplish one sought after dream. For one person there imagination became reality. Alex Bilodeau had received Canada’s first Olympic gold medal. A roar of excitement burst across the nation. History was created.
In fact, more and more history is created every second in the Olympics of inspiring life-changing instants, and stories of beating the impossible. The Olympics bring much deserved joy to athletes and bring our country closer together to celebrate. Peter Pan taught me, if one utters they don’t believe in fairies, one somewhere falls down dead. Likewise this has the same effect, Olympic-wise. To watch the success of our athletes we need to believe, like they need to believe in themselves. Without any support and self-confidence, their once so close dreams recede from view, and it is the spirit that falls down, and their triumph that fails. I Believe. Do you?