Thursday, June 3, 2010
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
my life in pixels.
"Say cheese!" You casually run your fingers through your hair, immediately getting rid of any unwanted fly-a-ways or tangles. The corners of your lips turn upright into a broad smile. You overact how happy you actually are with a smirk that feels as if it stretches past your ears. Amongst many, you show off your gorgeous pearly whites in an awkward pause. Last moment you look into the lens and try to look happy, however your grin begins to decline as the moments pass. There is an unearthly silence until you see the snap, hear the click, and finally, flash goes the camera. It has just captured an indefinite moment of your life.
And then the moment is over. Everyone shuffles away from his or her uncomfortable stances, letting out faint expressions of relief, and time makes it mark while life continues on. Despite the fact that the instant has passed, on the tiny screen of the camera is that very same instant displayed. It seized the expressions, and feeling of that particular time in what is now classified as history. Phenomenal!
Photos can capture more than just a moment; they are also more than just a printed pattern of ink pressed onto a glossy piece of paper. Me myself, I have over 20, 000 photos in my iphoto library of faces plastered against lenses, various group shots, nature beauts, and never dull moments with family. I'm sure I also have many more loose ones floating around on my desktop as well. They all tell stories, jokes, and declare emotion. As soon as I glimpse at a certain picture, I can reminisce that specific place, that moment. It still exists even though it has disappeared as a faded event in the past. Forgotten, yet remembered through the illumination of the colourful pixels that assemble the photograph.

Ever hear the saying,
“a picture's worth more than a 1000 words”?I reckon you all have, however if one were to flip through my entire iphoto library, it would basically describe my life in pictures, since no words are able to.
Photography is an unusual thing. There is so much you can do with a simple camera. So much can evolve from the point when you firmly press down on the familiar shutter button. Some, follow the camera manual like a bible, and experiment with different settings to get that flawless shot and ideal balanced image. Around their neck, their camera stays with them as a fifth sense, almost like they are inseparable until death. For others, it's just a common tool for memories, and countless recollections of amusement with friends. For me, it records my life in pixels. Either way, a picture is nothing without a story. A picture is the image of the words that cannot describe the moment.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Unleash your inner freak.
I am going to tell you upfront, this is an extremely long post. I wouldn’t blame you if you think reading this is waste of time, because it is.
OHMYGOD. Can someone please tell me where the year has gone? Date check: Monday May 17th 2010. Besides the fact that our world is supposed to end in 2012, our last grade eight moments are crammed into officially ONE MONTH. That’s it. We have one month left to make our mark. Our mark as leaders, people, and our creatively expressed opinions. So, what exactly has our grade eight generation left behind as our legacy? Fact is, I have no idea. We might have only made the same mark an invisible marker leaves behind written on a crisp sheet of line-white paper. Then again, maybe we ourselves have brought out the inner freak in everyone…
I can’t really describe how I am feeling right now. Part of me is stunned that in what felt like just yesterday, I was a naïve ‘sevvie’ about to begin my year as a grade eight. A nervous, and overwhelmed child. How could those thought to be endless exhausting school days, be coming to a near finish line in such fleeting time? Then again, I recollect all the beyond unforgettable wild moments and memories that have been packed to the peak in the year’s experience.
I have grown to know my classmates incredibly well, maybe a little too well. I can assure you that none of us are afraid to pretend who we are alongside each other. Let’s just say we let our personalities run a tad wild within our classroom walls that in some cases, act like a livestock fence. At some points in the day we may even appear to be untamable, savage-like, or just plain deranged.
None of us think twice if we suddenly hear Cassie burst out in tune, singing lean on me in math class. We actually automatically hum along, while a few of us possibly join in on the ballad. We have gotten used to Wyatt’s abnormal alternate voice he uses to answer questions, and Andie’s creative back up game adventures. From Fabe’s odd voodoo dolls (?), to silly putty fingers (yes Lizzie), and even the undying love connection between Mitch and Cassie. Please note that I am absolutely joking Mitch :) .
Point is, is that if any other person were to walk into our classroom, they would undoubtingly think we were all as mad as a hatter. It’s plain, simple, and possibly the truth. But where would my year have gone if we were all the same identical boring, and uninteresting people? The answer is nowhere. This year was primarily based on the delightful people that make up our class.
I had no idea what surprises and opportunities lay out before me as I walked into that chaotic school hallway on the first day of grade eight. I had no conception of where I would end up, or whom I would be when I ended up there. I now, can see the end of the road before my eyes, and almost grasp an understanding of the questions I had once asked. Even when I venture off down the halls of high school on another first day, asking the same guileless questions, I will and always remember this past year. I have encountered many unique one-of-a-kind experiences that you could only acquaint in our class.
As my class has taught me: I think that we all have an inner freak. Even if we don’t plaster it all over ourselves like Lady Gaga, it will always remain a part of us. Like the streak of an invisible marker, although it may not be noticeable, it is still entirely there….. Unless of course, it’s washable.
“ You’re entirely bonkers. But I’ll tell you a secret. All the best people are.”– Alice in Wonderland.
yes. I am infact a careless mess.
Lately, I’ve been late. And that infact is a true fact. As I currently write this introduction, I am listening to Alejandro by Lady Gaga struggling to write a decent post about my unpunctuality. Not only that, but I am in the car traveling to school. I guess I should also mention that I will probably arrive later than expected for that too. You may ask why I am so unorganized, and unaware of my surroundings. Or maybe why I fail to meet deadlines, such as ones like this blog. I’m definite you’ll find that answer soon enough if you peer into my cave of a desk or try journeying through my lovely locker as well. Please note that an abundance of sarcasm was just applied.
So why exactly is it, that if you ever ask me for that signed permission slip I’ll ask for another? Well, my monstrous pile enclosed by the sturdy metal walls of the desk that help contain them, has clearly devoured it. Mounds of loose papers, a multitude of lead-less pencils, and implements you could only find in Olivia’s desk. By this, I mean things like Floam (yes, a 6 colour pack!), silly putty, elegant vintage Halloween princess earrings I picked up at value village, a dissembled wooden toy car that I have not yet had the time to assemble, a plastic coloured baby, a fake Santa beard from a grade three Christmas French play, and I’m sure many other surprises, that even I haven’t discovered yet.

Next stop, my beyond orderly locker. Usually, a locker is place to store non-necessary books, possibly your gym bag, as well as your lunch. My locker is classified under another definition. My lock is growing tired after endlessly attempting to contain my desperate needs of storage. One day, that lock will break due to the pressure of the contents of my locker. I constantly find myself cramming more and more bags into the already overflowing area of the storage. This only leaves a compact capacity of space for schoolwork. Once this happens, my organizational techniques suffer from failure. No room for books indicates the process of me wedging them in any available cracks in my desk.
Although I have only shared the many imperfections about this issue, I can list several beneficial bonuses about the cluttered state of both my mind and space. If you are ever in need for an extra sweater for chapel, don’t anticipate a trip to the lost and found. A brief visit to my locker is literally all it takes! I genuinely have a heap of 5 extra changes of navy. They range from cardi’s, to pullovers, to vests, take your pick. Likewise, if on any occasion, you observe yourself in a sorrowful shoe-less situation, I can also provide for you too. There are several assorted styles and colours to choose from to fit any genre of style. Not only uniform articles are found on the handy shelves of my locker. As you unearth the multiple layers, you may stumble upon a few extra sweaters here and there, a couple raincoats, a medieval queen costume, and lovely jewellery attire. You can also acquire many sources of entertainment, such as a ball that expands when you throw it, and an inspirational poem written by Cassandra, that always helps me get through the day.
These are secrets most of you probably haven’t uncovered of me. Quite personally, I may look evident on the verge of a hoarder. I will probably have to change my negligent care of my belongings before next year, because this structure of organizational skills reflects negatively on my personality. However, I do know that many of my classmates quite enjoy spending time making intricate sculptures out of my Floam, fabricating a family of coloured babies (Baby Force Five.), or stopping by to see the heavenly gifts my locker bears.
Comments of the Week!

Monday, May 3, 2010
Music's in my soul.

The rhythm keeps you in tune, while an avalanche of instruments indulge you. You feel alive, and on top of the world. Just a mere few seconds ago you were struggling against the irksome, unbearable noise, but this, this is a different noise. It’s a noise you actually want to listen to. Suddenly, the moment becomes livable again.
And what is music really? We hear it everyday, and find ourselves humming to the catchy and creatively put together melody. It can consume time, or help pass excruciatingly boring occasions. Music can sooth us, and can even aggravate us. It can instantly trigger a familiar memory, somehow associated with the song. A 3 minute rap can even get us to remember word for word lyrics after not once listening to that rhyme in five years. Music can do that. :) Many times, I can find myself relating to the passionate words as they loosely ring from the stereo. Sometimes music can entirely change a persons’ mood. I know it can adjust Cassie’s in a split second to pure delight after hearing a single beat of Justin’s hot new single. Then again, it can drive a good half of the class’s temper infuriated.
You eventually arrive at you destination, but are lost, unconscious within the deep tempo. As you slowly withdraw the headphones off your ear, your perception returns to the natural state of the bus. Complete pandemonium. The door is now closed, and out of reach, as you carefully place the key in your backpack pocket. Part of you wants to let out a cliché sigh. You realize it’s not the same, and won’t ever be the same without music.
Monday, April 26, 2010
There aren't any pros of procrastinating.
And then you ultimately realize: When you were hanging out with friends, the clock didn’t stop. When you were watching America’s Next Top Model, not once did it miss a tick. When you spent your whole night on the computer, stalking Facebook, and playing games, the seconds continued on. The clock has sneakily devoured all of your time. It has vanished, disappeared, and is entirely unable to retrieve. So why procrastinate?
It goes much deeper than a few computer games, and the click of a TV remote. Most of us procrastinate because we simply just don’t know where to start. We are stuck on where to begin, so the easiest solution is to hide your textbook and pull out your laptop. Or at least that seems the easiest. Unfortunately, eventually time catches up until the point where you have to finish that French project for third period, and you have absolutely no idea what it is you are exactly supposed to do.
You may just feel plain overwhelmed. With all those extra curricular activities, your best friends birthday party, and practicing for your piano recital, you just can’t fit anything else in. How does that leave a single shred of time for anything else at all? “I’ll just finish it later,” you may think. In the long run, that minor task will keep stacking up on your list of things to do, like a powerful wave in midst of becoming a tsunami. The end result becoming unmanageable and troublesome, trust me, I know.
I know for a fact I am a victim, and I’m sure you are too. Separating urgent tasks, from those less critical can be baffling. It is difficult to give in to going to the movies over studying for exams, or watching the newest episode of Glee, when you know you haven’t even scribbled a single number in your math workbook. Try to fight the urge to leave things until last minutes; I myself need to learn as well, as I primarily procrastinated this post. ;)
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
The inside on the outside
You’ve heard of freedom of speech, what about freedom of clothes? I get the point that you shouldn't be wearing inappropriate clothing to school, but we should be able to convey our own character. Our uniforms are so generic, simple and basically boring. They can be uncomfortable, unattractive, and when we try to modify them in the smallest way, we are sent to the bench to get a green slip. No loopholes. I myself love wearing my own clothes, and despise pulling up those itchy knee socks that stop all circulation in my calf. I feel freer in my normal clothes, kind of like I’m wearing my inside on the outside. Could we somehow pull a Black Eyed Peas, and meet halfway?
As amazing as it would be to wear whatever in the day, a uniform is easy to slip on in the morning, causing no stress if the sweater you were hoping to wear is encrusted with an annoying purple stain from the grape juice you had at dinner. With our uniform environment, not only do we look official, like mini professors, but we also don't need to care about having the latest designer clothing, or trendiest shoes. You know that no one can ridicule or tease your style choices because they will only be taunting themselves, as they are wearing the same thing.
On the surface we may look identical, but uniforms can bring out the brightest colours of every individual. They can classify us from what's on the inside, and make our inside personality shine, even though our outside might not reveal it. Most people judge based on looks, giving the illusion that our world is shallower than a kiddie pool. People won’t judge you at first glance, but get to know you based on you, not the amount of superficial things you own. As unappetizing as the thought to wear those near-choking ties, and puffy supposed-to-be-tucked-in shirts, they give us 'it'. It being it. It being whatever you want 'it' to be. Besides we do get a few days that require spirit and dressing up, or wearing our own clothes… :)
Monday, April 12, 2010
Will YOU Survive the Crazy?
It's a Friday night; you are comfortably snuggled up on your couch, holding the sleek black object completely hidden under countless buttons. This simple object gives you the access to the world of television. ON. Your finger molds to the shape of the button as you press it. You explore the unknown world, by scrolling up and down on the arrows. What do you seek? Entertainment. You’re not absolutely in the mood for a drama as fake as the Hills, and definitely not wanting to watch a CSI type show, that requires your logic. Most definitely nothing like Hannah Montana either, because you can't stand to hear the word Uncle Earl one more time. Despite all of these great selections, you finally settle on a Japanese game show. Why? It makes for great entertainment.
You find pleasure, as you watch these people fall and tumble, slur an answer, or simply fail at a challenge. Somehow within this you also find incredible entertainment. From one second you can go from a complete rumble of laughter to total focus, making sure you don’t miss a crucial second. While eyeing the competition, you choose sides and pre-pick the winner then aim your full attention back at the screen. Sweat beats down their faces as they rush over obstacles to beat there equal determined opponents. Nonetheless, it also drips as they struggle to find the answer, because they know that if they get this wrong, they will be long gone. Their willpower shows to be that one person who actually wins, the one who will rise above all of the others. This is the game you've been craving to watch, but the screen flickers to an overplayed shampoo ad before you can see anymore.
The commercial break rolls to an end, and you suddenly hear burst of spirited people scream and cheer encouraging phrases – In Japanese. It is after all, partly ‘reality’ TV. The host announces the ludicrous, yet skillful task. The contestants stand with a puzzled look on their faces, partly pondering as to why they are to do this, and partly ready to bring on their game. They crash, spin, splat, pop, bounce, all to see who is the ‘best’ of the best.
As exciting as the people are, it is the games and actions they face that bring the insanity to a whole new level. The challenges on this show are so simply thought out, yet creative in the most imaginative ways. Nothing like Wheel of Fortune, Deal or no Deal, or Jeopardy can compare to paint splat, dressing up in quirky costumes, and as a whole, having a one-of a kind time you can only obtain at a Japanese game show.
So why would I want to be on an insane, lunatic, sumo-fighting game show? Why not? It’s all in the name: I survived a Japanese Gameshow. The title really says it all, if you win, you get to say you survived a Japanese Gameshow!
Maybe the $250,000 would be nice too… Are you on?
Monday, April 5, 2010
A goal is an Understatement.
I don’t know what my future holds, or how the odds will play out, let’s face it. However, I do know one thing, I will have dreams for as long as it takes for an everlasting gob stopper to dissolve. Dreams that I will ever long to do, that may not necessarily happen, but it would be incredibly amazing if they did. One may argue that these dreams are completely pointless, and don’t show any beneficial gain. Then, again, you may share some of these very dreams with me as well.
I want to be remembered, long after I’m gone. A bit far fetched, I know, but imagine something as big as having your own star on the Hollywood star walk, as tourists run up to greet the famed name engraved within the outlines of the golden star. People will ever so lasting walk up down the crowded strip, yet never will your name dissolve, even from the dirtiest soles of shoes.
Maybe something not so based on fame, but perhaps, finding a cure for something as deadly as cancer, and winning a Nobel Prize for changing the face of mankind. My biography plastered within the pages of some grade 8 science textbooks, describing my shocking discovery.
I do want to make a difference in the world, somehow. Something like a cure may sound ridiculously crazy, but if I look at the world in front of me, children, just like me with dreams like mine, are ignored, by roadblocks of education and health. Maybe an opportunity to travel to a place like Kenya on a Me to We trip will fulfill the same goal.
The world doesn’t stop there. I want to travel, a lot. Every time I go somewhere new, I learn something new. It’s the whole experience, which sucks you into the intriguing urge to revisit. Different cultures, different people, and different food, make up for a different, and unique environments. Maybe along the way I’ll discover something as hidden as the lost city of Atlantis. After all, it only makes sense to see the entire world before I leave it.
But, I'm thinking bigger than our world itself, something much more than a planet. I'm thinking, space. What more fascinating place, than outer space? It's so foreign, and unusual to study the billions of twinkling lights that we glimpse as we look up into the midnight sky. These very stars would be right outside the window as the futuristic ship soars through the galaxy giving the incredible experience of weightlessness.
I would also like to journey around in a giant human hamster ball. This is one thing I would absolutely love to accomplish as weird as it may sound. Although running around in a giant hamster ball doesn't seem like a life accomplishment, you're just not thinking big enough. Imagine, aside from it's environmentally friendly impact. The clear spherical walls of an orb surround you, running rapidly along the earth's crust.
The list will go on, as i must say. From publishing some sort of a book, to becoming pro at a sport, to inventing something useful to our chaotic daily lives. From breaking a world record, to painting something as famous as the Mona Lisa. Maybe I’ll throw skydiving in there too, as most people would. I want my life to be filled with mind-blowing adventures like these and new experiences while enjoying what the world and its people have to offer.
There’s a lot of things on my mind right now, things a simple and unglamorous as the fact that I need to study for the allusions test, wake up for soccer tomorrow morning, and even, well, ponder on what I will type next because the post is getting a bit long. But then there are things that are more distant, like what I want to do when I’m older, and what kind of a person I want to be. Consider my goals, and hopes, that I can only imagine to happen. Right now, I’m just living in the moment, balancing things like dreams and reality, so there will always be a place for both.
Monday, February 22, 2010
I BELIEVE. do you?

Surely, the Olympics are not solely consisted of gold medals and standing upon the towering step of the captivating podium. It's about discovering the truth about reaching new heights, and fulfilling hopes you never knew you could accomplish. The athletes are looked upon as role models, and leading examples for the dreams of many children. They have worked for this one moment, trained until there muscles have given out, and dedicated their time and passion to the thing they absolutely love to do. The spotlight is on them as they release their vigor broadcasted on many crowed around- televisions, and twinkle their eyes as they hear the final standing results.
A golden world of glory is indeed not the case for all. These on the edge events are also about improving yourself as an athlete, whether it's landing that problematic triple axel, swiftly traveling so rapid that you can feel the friction beneath the skies as you glide, or shooting for the stars only to find that the puck has landed in the net. It's moments like these that make the Olympics truly fascinating. You can glimpse the broad smiles of not only delighted gold-medal champions, but also the wave of fans cheering with optimism for their countries. It brings patriarch spirit to us all, and the chance to be confident and place enthusiasm within our nation.
That feeling can change as we see that figure skater tumble on her Lutz, detect that skier fell in midst of beating an ultimate self record, or even the unlucky chance that the goalie saved the slashing slap-shot. This can ruin not only the athletes self esteem, but also the flicker of faith to disappear within the wave, leaving tensed expressions, nail biting, and stiff souls.
And then it happens! All it took was one trifling second to accomplish one sought after dream. For one person there imagination became reality. Alex Bilodeau had received Canada’s first Olympic gold medal. A roar of excitement burst across the nation. History was created.
In fact, more and more history is created every second in the Olympics of inspiring life-changing instants, and stories of beating the impossible. The Olympics bring much deserved joy to athletes and bring our country closer together to celebrate. Peter Pan taught me, if one utters they don’t believe in fairies, one somewhere falls down dead. Likewise this has the same effect, Olympic-wise. To watch the success of our athletes we need to believe, like they need to believe in themselves. Without any support and self-confidence, their once so close dreams recede from view, and it is the spirit that falls down, and their triumph that fails. I Believe. Do you?
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Here comes the sun... ☼
Hats and scarves are discarded for flip-flops, and sunglasses. The thick blanket of white, that once caused shivers up your spine, is now revised to the greenest blades of grass swaying with the wind. The thin layer of frost that was configured on the edges of the bedroom window has transformed to rays of sunlight beaming across the floorboards. The relentless coverage of grey snow-clouds prepared to release troublesome blizzards is now a carefree environment. The calendar marks June 19th. Sound familiar? It’s the commencing of the summer holidays.
To each of us, when we hear the word summer it re-encounters old memories, and past experiences associated with the season. I know when I hear the word summer; it literally makes me wish that the frigid endless winter days would be replaced by cloudless skies, and high readings on the thermometer.
Even with the chance of rain in the summer, the light showers or thrilling thunderstorms aren't so negative compared to the bitter gusts of December wind. Once the sun peeks through from the overcast sky, a wondrous arch of colours stretches far above. The atmosphere is vivid and lively, of delicate flowers, and the greenest leaves upon the tallest trees. Surrounding you is a domain of freedom and sunshine.
No homework. No tests. No stress. However, instead the leisurely liberation to sleep in, hang out with friends and most importantly, RELAX. During my summers, the days are comprised of many varied activities. From chilling by the pool, to interesting days at camp (not quite positive ones), to surfing at the beach, to yes, dare I say, shopping. A huge factor in the enjoyment that comes along with summer is the aspect of spending valuable time with family and friends. This includes many uncalled adventures such as family vacations, or amusing reminiscences of times spent with friends. The days pass from one to another each bringing on a new experience.
At the beginning, it felt that before us lay countless days of smiles and bliss, however those days were limited. The calendar now marks the last day. The seasons joy has come to end, only to uncover those once tossed hats and mitts, the greenest leaves now tumbling before me, and the hope to be free. It will be a matter of time until the crisp autumn breeze is once again the distinguished days of summer.
Monday, February 8, 2010
1 word, 6 letters, endless meanings : FRIEND.
Just a normal girl, who resembles myself, a bit stretched out and twisted depending on the present conditions of the weather. She declines in size as I draw nearer towards her profile, and grows taller as I step back. She is timid, and shy but can make a silence worth a thousand words. Listening to her can be the wisest decision, and she can make any given moment entertaining by making innovative puppet shapes on the wall.
No name she has, so I call her friend. A simple, kind word that describes her in six letters. I have to admit that she is a bit of a copycat; everything I do she mimics. I take it as a form of flattery and accept the fact that she mirrors my actions. I skip, she skips. I wave, she waves. I dance, she dances. I speak, she listens. Needless to say, step by step, she's beside me, for support and encouragement.
By day, she appears within the blinding beams of sunlight, always lagging on my side. I can always depend on her, regardless if she does not appear at first. She will always surface at some point, prepared to listen to my drawbacks with sympathy. She keeps herself hidden in the dark, and is only vulnerable when the sun peaks out of the grey puffs of cloud hiding it. The light casts amongst her silhouette in the spotlight.
The sky encloses, and releases a booming roar. Thunderstorms are her main weakness, and she instantly quivers in sight of the heavy, black clouds, and flees my company. Where she goes, I don’t know. Many do not perceive her as a result of her slyness. She disintegrates into the air, and is swallowed by the night. Her identity is kept unclassified to many, but to me a friend.
She is my shadow, and she is gone...
Monday, February 1, 2010
Tick. Tock.

Time. As I write seconds that are turning into minutes are passing. As you read this, the clock is slowly ticking, but passing rapidly. Everything we do consumes time. The minutes add up, and before we know it our once naïve childhoods that felt like yesterday have disappeared, while we are soon starting our journey off into intimidating high school. I look back and wonder where the years have gone.
Distinct memories flood my mind from when I was just a mere toddler. From my first day of school to my 6th circus themed birthday party. Chaotic, yet vividly clear in my mind. I remember having contests to see who could collect the most chestnuts from the tree in the autumn, being lugged around in a wagon, and being resistant to only watch unicorn themed movies. Yes, odd recollections, however I miss those days. I miss people not judging you by what you wear or look like, but rather the toy you had. The feeling you felt when you just learned how to ride a two wheeler by yourself, and being tucked in early at night and waking up at the earliest hours of the morning as a fiery ball brimmed of energy.
School was simple and was composed of colouring rainbow-filled pictures and straightforward equations like 7+8=?. Dress up was always part of my day, needless to say also was watching Art Attack, and creating imaginative formations on Lite Brite. The littlest things made me satisfied, like swinging on the schoolyard swing, or making enchanted castles out of Popsicle sticks. Everything was easygoing and untroubled, as if I had no care in the world or what it would soon become. All these things contribute to the fact that I would absolutely desire to travel back to my childhood for a day. Sure I would doubtingly love to dismiss many of the rueful regrets I hold, but that’s life. We all experience mistakes, but we look past them and gain mental notes to keep track of for future reference.
Monday, January 25, 2010
classified as SUPER.

Each of us has a secret fantasy, to be anything we have ever wanted to be, a SUPERHERO. Sure we all have experienced this dream, all least once. Wished that one day we could have the power of the incredible Hulk, the feeling of swinging from city skyscrapers like Spiderman, or receiving the famous skylight to the call of our destiny.
Each superhero has something unique about them, whether it’s the ability to fly, super strength, or just their presence when they swoop in just in time to save the day. One thing in common with most of them, is that one of their most sacred things, is their identity. It’s the one thing they value most, to keep a secret.
It puzzles me as to what abnormal power I would like to inherit if I were a superhero. There are several, each with various purposes and justifications. Such things like flying, reading minds, traveling back in time, and a great deal more. As humans we have created many contraptions, hoping one day that we could eventually fly. Sure, we have airplanes, but we don’t get to actually enjoy the experience as we are sitting in uncomfortable seats, getting rather annoyed by the crying baby behind us, and glimpsing our watches every 10 minutes counting down the dreadful hours . It would be beyond extraordinary to leap up towards the cloudless sky, going places further than our imagination.
Mind Reading. Not only would this be a huge advantage against your opponent, but it would go far in life as well. You would be able to know so much, from grasping what move your opponent will strike next, answers, or thoughts that just happen to be running through individual’s minds. If a citizen is in need of aid, you can hear their thoughts for help. The only downside of this, is the many chaotic noises you would pick up from peoples’ judgements, that once all combined, would get utterly annoying. A system would be needed to figure out how to block the unnecessary and unwanted views.
Then there’s time travel. How many times have you wished you could simply redo something at your best effort, or take back many of the guilty regrets you retain? With time travel you can re encounter the past, making the foreseeable future brighter. You would be capable to journey to a great extent back in history as well as the distant future. You could save many citizens warning them about near disasters and defeat villains by traveling back in time, in case you mess up.
We all want to be super. The dictionary defines a superhero as a benevolent fictional character, with superhuman powers, such as superman. In my opinion all superheros’ are not fictional. They can be people as simple as you and me. Whether it’s someone working at a homeless shelter, going to build wells in Africa, or helping those in need. So, maybe we all can’t fly, or lift the weight of a car on our shoulders, we don’t need powers to be super, we need self-power that will drive us to do wonders that benefit others positively.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
SHOES? let's get some shoes.
There is a green monster that exists in all of us. It can make us feel envious and resentful. Jealousy can basically destroy our self-esteem, and confidence.
There are so many people I would love to be for a day, that its hard to choose just one. I know most people for this post would choose someone like a famous athlete, or a rich celebrity. Well, I choose Harry Potter. There are so many reasons as to why I would incredibly enjoy being Harry Potter for a day. Firstly, Harry is a wizard, and therefore has magical powers. Wouldn’t it be fantastic if I were able to say wingardium leviosa with a flick of the wand, to see something hover in mid air before my eyes? I would get to talk in a truly amazing British accent, as well as have a giant for a friend (Hagrid). My owl would send me secret packages containing things like an invisible cloak, which I would use to sneak around the corridors of Hogwarts after curfew.
The day would be jammed packed with adventure. First, I would probably start to feel pain within my scar, giving me warning that he who shall not be named was nearby. I would proceed to head off to the quidditch game, and of course beat Slitherin by catching the briskly moving golden snitch. A victory party would follow this in the Gryffindor lounge; with assorted magic sweets and chocolate frogs to snack on. I would discover that the new dark arts professor was acting unknowingly suspicious, followed by a visit to Hagrid; only to find out he had some sort of new mythical creature as a pet. On my way back to Hogwarts we would get stopped by a pack of dementors, but Ron, Hermione and I would successfully scare them away by a series of advanced dark magic spells. The sky would turn a murky grey colour that would make me revaluate my whereabouts. We would hear faint noises coming from the forbidden forest. Curious, we saunter towards the entrance ignoring the rules. We encounter a unicorn, as well as other various abnormal creatures. We see a hippogriff, and decide to fly it. After an uplifting experience of flying, we decide to head back to campus. Slightly eavesdropping, we overhear a group of professors mumbling about a secret pathway. Together we uncover a great mystery that proves that dark arts professor guilty.
Finally, we make it back early morning in time for breakfast. As I am in midst of chewing my delectable muffin, Dumbledore announces our heroic actions and rewards us each with 50 points for Gryffindor. Everyone bursts into a roaring applause, however I get many disgusted snake-eyed looks from the slitherin table, which makes me even more self-confident.
Monday, January 11, 2010
hmmmm.... so what does it all mean?!
There’s one question that our world has gotten to. If you look back on our world history, we have come a long way; we have found out ways to create light, electricity, and technology. All of these things have given us human beings more power and knowledge to rise above the rest of the world. We consider ourselves superior to the environment, only thinking about when we will cut down rainforests to turn into shopping malls. We’ve come out of control using so many of the earth’s resources, terrorizing trees for paper, and filling once lovely fields into disgusting landfills. What do we do about it? Nothing. We just ignore it and glue our eyes back to our computer screen, and socializing over websites. Well nothing won’t cut it anymore; nothing won’t cut what we’ve created.
Our world as I speak is becoming more and more complex. If you look back at our parents time, a lot has changed compared to the lives we live now. In today’s generation, we are comfortable with more technology, texting, and many more things that weren’t available back in my parents’ childhood. It seems that every second apple is releasing new software or the ‘latest’ version of the ipod. Computers are becoming more and more powerful; they estimate that we will build a computer with more capacity than the human brain by 2013! However, what happens once the technology becomes further ahead than the human race?
Not only that but getting into university’s isn’t defined the same as it was 20 years ago. It is not just about knowing or memorizing things anymore, since we can find the answer in a split second using search engines like Google or yahoo. Our information we retain will be outdated by the time we are in 3rd year.
We are learning more and more each day, and discovering solutions to diseases we could never dream of overcoming. If anyone heard the word cancer a while back you would automatically believe it was a death sentence. Scientists have figured out so many of the world’s unsolved mysteries. They have inquired things like simply the solar system, computers, and how to prevent certain sicknesses.
So what does it all mean? It means a lot of things, the meaning probably different to each and every person. To me, it means that us in terms of humans have come a long way. Our world seems as if it’s rushing past us, and that it’s a life we often spend chasing to catch up to. We have evolved and are constantly learning more and more each second, when in reality our information turns outdated by the time we understand.